
What is Gynaecomastia?

It is the most effective treatment for treating enlarged male breasts. Even though the condition, many men find it difficult to live with it. The cosmetic surgery procedure aims at removing excess glandular and fat tissue to restore a firmer, more masculine, and flatter contour to the chest.


Several reasons can trigger this condition. Some medicines, genetics, or other reasons lead to enlarged breasts in men. According to the studies conducted, it has been found that most men experience this condition at some stage in life. However, it disappears without any need for treatment. If the condition persists, male breast reduction surgery can be performed to help you get masculine and firmer chest.

What is the cause of gynecomastia in men ?

Causes of the enlarged breast in men are different in different age groups such as follows:


  • Infants/New Born Babies: A hormone called Estrogen is passed on from the mother, which becomes a cause of Gynecomastia in newborn male babies. A kind of breast bud is developed due to this, which generally disappears naturally within about 6 months of birth.
  • Puberty: Breast buds tend to develop at this age as well can last up to 2 years when a young male attains puberty. The process generally occurs during puberty and is most commonly induced due to hormonal irregularity.
  • Adults: The causes of Gynecomastia in adult males are generally because of the anti-androgens used for treating certain issues. These include prostate enlargement, aids medication, heart medications, cancer medicine, and some antidepressants. Alcohol and street drugs can also prompt swollen male breast glands. Some health conditions which impact the hormonal balance like hyperthyroidism, hypogonadism, aging, tumor, liver failure, renal failure, and malnourishment also cause Gynecomastia.

Diagnosis of Gynecomastia?

Medical examinations are conducted if you are concerned or suspect to have a possibility of Gynecomastia. Before suggesting any test, your physician will discuss your medical and medication history and what health conditions run in your family.

The doctor is also likely to perform a physical examination that may include a careful assessment of your breast tissue, abdomen, and genitals.


A male breast reduction surgery is an optimal known treatment for gynecomastia or mushroomed male breasts. This cosmetic surgical procedure is typically designed to eliminate excess fat and glandular tissue in order to restore a flatter, firmer, and more masculine definition of the chest. In 2022 procedure is helpful to most men who develop enlarged breasts due to genetics, certain medications, or other unspecified reasons.

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