What is Hernia?
When a part of the intestine, intra-abdominal fat or other organs present in our abdomen starts bulging out due to a defect, hole, or a weakness of the muscles, then this condition is defined as a hernia.
A hernia can be present since birth. These are congenital hernias and are caused due to incomplete closure of membranes present inside the abdomen. Sometimes, such defects can manifest or become symptomatic in later years.
Hernia, Which occurs in old age is mainly due to muscle weakness and loss of muscle tone.
- If the bulge spontaneously disappears on lying down or by pressing upon the bulge, it is a reducible hernia.
- If the bulge is permanent and does not disappear, then it is an irreducible hernia.
- Inguinal Hernia : This is the most common type of hernia present predominantly in males. The bulge is present in the groin area in the lower abdominal wall.
- Femoral Hernia : This is more common in females and happens during pregnancy or childbirth in most cases.
- Umbilical Hernia : It occurs when the abdominal contents protrude through the umbilicus. This type of hernia is more common in infants.
- Other less common types of hernias are hiatal hernia, Ventral incisional hernia, paraumbilical hernia and epigastric hernia etc.
What are the Symptoms of Hernia?
When the abdominal contents protrude from the abdominal wall, it is known as Hernia. It results from the weakness of abdominal muscles and continuous pressure on the abdominal wall. It can also be congenital, that is present by birth. The only treatment of hernia is Surgical repair of hernia. The main symptoms of hernia are –
- The most common symptom is that patients often feel something coming out or giving way when there is increase in abdominal pressure such as laughing, sneezing, lifting something heavy etc.
- Patients often feel that some bulge that used to go out and come back in is now struck out.
- There can be pain and tenderness (pain to touch) at the hernia site.
- Small hernias may remain undetected for a long time as they do not cause any symptoms often.
- Sharp abdominal pain and vomiting may occur, if that occurs, then you should contact a doctor immediately.
How is the Diagnosis is made?
Although hernia is quite evident with its symptoms but to know the extent of it, some diagnostic imaging tests like Ultrasound, CT scan and MRI scan is required prior to surgery.